It's quite interesting for this week, 2 pairs as in 4 individual quits the game. It's likely they have a heated arguement with the host(LOL). Bulan wins the challenge which sends the Tala tribe along with their new member Maribel. Thus, the host mentioned it's a batch of castaways with the most whiners. On Jackie and Angelicopters case, they are concerned about their safety. Then regarding their stay at the island, Ellen calls Maribel crazy and is like the cancer affecting their tribe - that she's a compulsive and that she doesn't think before she speak. And it was later answered by Maribel that part of the game is freedom of speech and that's how she plays the game, surviving already for 6 days. Then, Richard then told the castaways that they could quit if they think it's too much for them. Before the casting of votes, Angelicopter says it's game over for casting of votes this time folks and there goes Jackie and Angelicopter. Richards parting words to the castaways, ...Sa larong survivor hindi ka tatagal pag mahina ang loob mo, there's no room for quitters here in this game....
For me, no matter how dirty it is, it's still part of the game. Remember on Survivor US, a player even killed a family member on his makeup story just to win a certain challenge.
Jackie and Angelicopters parting word - it's their choice to quit the game, and they say they can fight til the end and that kaya naman nila(duh, they why quit? LOL).
Back at Tala's camp, Filo and Ellen tandem decided to quit. As Ellen explained, she forced Filo on joining and his hearts not into playing the game, and that her relationship with Filo is more important than the game of survivor. So bye bye Ellen and Filo. A lot of quitters on this season, making it easier for the rest of the remaining castaways, haha.
Why the heck is a news scene included?? And why did the production team took the castaways to a safe spot?? LOL, Survivor Ph is insane in breaking it's own rules, compared to the original survivor game @_@ .
At Tala, Betong is kinda missing Jackie and Angelicopters tandem, and that Maribel succeeded in her plan to confuse the tribe. And Maribel is really crazy, LOL, I love her, she knows what she's doing and executing it well. The Tala tribe is cautious with Maribel, that they should be careful with the immunity bracelets.
Then at Bulan, Stefs given a treatment on her skinned back to avoid infection. Then Annabel and Ruffa G. visits both tribes, along with the announcement regarding the upcoming challenge - a Production number.
Reward Challenge: That's Entertainment - Production Number with theme of "Partnership"
Reward: Breakfast buffet + 3 egg laying chickens
At the rewards challenge, Bulan tribe members are surprised to see that 4 individuals quit the game on last nights tribal council. The Tala tribe are confident that they will win the reward for majority of them are entertainers unlike Bulan who got athletes. First to performs the Tala tribe, then Bulan - both with a funny story line. But in the end it was Bulan who won the challenge. Bulan 83.5% Tala 66%. As usual, Bulan is given a Temptation reward, with the Volcano boys to take it or not.They are offered P100k + food in exchange of giving their Reward challenge to be given to the other tribe. They refuse it(good job guys ^_^).
Morning came, and the Bulan tribe enjoyed the reward starting with a prayer. At Tala, they reconstruct damaged parts of their shelter. They are plotting to vote out Maribel, but they need to find out first if she got an immunity bracelet or not. It's funny how Betong acts out as a dj. At the same time, a lot noticed how sweet Chuckie and Isabel are, wherein Chuckie explained theres no malice in it. At Bulan, they relocate their shelter and Arnie getting coconuts as he mentioned learnt it only at survivor(be careful climbing trees).
Immunity Challenge: Seafood endurance challenge - castaways need to stand and carry a net of seafoods on shoulder levels. The moment hands past the marker on their waist they are out of the challenge.
But, the moment a castaway is out, the net they carrying is to be transferred to their selected tribesmate.
Reward: Immunity + 6 kilos seafoods
Since Tala got 7 members, they need to sit out someone and it's Betong.
All players standing with 1kilo of seafoods.
Mara and Isabel are the 1st on both tribes to pass on their nets.
Out: Tala - Isabel; Bulan - Mara
Carlo and Gino - 2 kilos; the rest 1 kilo.
Then Carlo is out, giving his nets to Maribel(Lol on this)
Out: Tala - Carlo, Isabel; Bulan - Mara
Maribel - 3 kilos; Gino - 2 kilos; the rest 1 kilo.
Then Maribel transferred her nets to Arthur, and Ginos to KC.
Out: Tala - Maribel, Carlo, Isabel; Bulan - Mara, Gino
Arthur - 4 kilos; KC - 3 kilos; the rest 1 kilo.
Later on, Stef passd on her nets to Arnold.
Out: Tala - Maribel, Carlo, Isabel; Bulan - Steg, Mara, Gino
Arnold - 2 kilos; Arthur - 4 kilos; KC - 3 kilos; the rest 1 kilo.
Then KC got tired and pass it on, as well as Arthur who give the nets to Maey, unfortunately he didn't properly pass it so 1 net falls making Maey out and needing to immediately pass it on to Chuckie. So now it's 2 Bulan, the Volcano boys against Chuckie who's carrying 6 kilos. And later the obvious, Bulan wins immunity(yey) which sends Tala again for tribal council.
Before leaving, Gino secretly give an immunity bracelet to Maribel wherein Maey saw. Thus making a commotion on their tribe. Tala members even saw Gino with the sign of C to be voted out(C for Chuckie).Isabel pleaded for Maribel to not vote for him for his mom is battling with 4th stage cancer. Maribel is somewhat in a bad mood as well upon hearing Carlo mentioning "basta uuwi ang mag ina"(Mara & Maribel).
At camp, Bulan tribe members are enjoying their crabs which is Johns first crab experience(lol). Meanwhile, at Tala's camp, all are on watch of Maribel. They decided to vote for her. Feeling all eyes on her, Maribel sets herself away from fellow Tala tribes mate. Thus, Isabel confronts Maribel who later gave word to her that she'll vote for either Maey's or Carlo's pair. Thus, Maey and Betong are willing to be voted, knowing the situation the tribe is in.
At tribal council, Maribel and Carlo got a heated discussion. On the casting of votes, Chuckie & Isabel used their bracelet, as well as Maribel. Thus all votes on them are nulled giving way for a revote. In the end, it was Maribel who's voted off. Thus, Bulans plan to make Tala use Isabel and Chuckie's immunity bracelet goes into plan, although the downfall is with the expense of Maribel exiting the game.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Survivor Philippines 4, 1'st elimination - Alyssa & Aifha Eliminated
Last week we saw the drama with Geneva leaving the game, as well as the tension between the pair of Aifha & Alyssa over a joke gone bad comment. That night, the castaways from Bulan tribe after their bonding moment goes their separate ways near their camp for awhile. Maribel then informed that she just wants some drama, and if it's her she'll vote out the least smart and least helpful although it's ok if she'll be voted.
The next day at Tala tribe- at long last they have fire,and they have fun as they catch some "crablets". Maey & Betong tandem is ever so funny, trying to cope with their english speaking tribemates.
At the Bulan tribe, Arnold & Alyssa had a misunderstanding over a banana leaf wherein they later solve. However the impression that Aifha & Alyssa leave the guys with a negative impression, for earlier, the guys saw them eating their stock of coconut along with Stef. John told Arnold it's freaking hard to get those coconuts and Alyssa the girls wants to finish it all up. Mara on that day also mentioned she got a crush on John, and John thinks she's sweet - she's like a little sister(are you sure just a little sister? >:D). Later that day Arnold, John, Gino, Mara and Kc had a meeting regarding the alliance between Steff, Aifha & Alyssa. They solidify their alliance calling themselves the "power 5". Then later on, Arnold lost the immunity bracelet. He informed John, who somewhat felt about it. The two of them try to scout the area in hope of retrieving the bracelet. The power 5 are the only ones who knew the bracelet went missing.
That night, the Tala tribe got a very unlikely visitor. Arthur was startled when he noticed something crawling to their camps location. He woke his fellow tribesmate for it's a snake - a cobra to be exact. It scared the hell out of Isabel, but luckily they shooed it away.
At the tribal council, Bulan tribe are welcomed by Richard who openly shows his dismay mentioning that the game Survivor got no room for quitters, waste of slot and opportunity for other individual who want to take part in the game. Before the casting of votes, Richard asked the Bulan tribe some question. He asked KC on why Geneva quits, and KC explained both side of the story - that he joined to win the game while her(Geneva) reason is to rekindled a spark in their relationship. He openly mentioned he could have chosen another partner instead. Richard then asked Maribel how Geneva leaving the game affects the tribe. Maribel stated it's better not to be with a person who's not mentally prepared so that it will not affect the whole tribe. And that she didn't feel her(Geneva) willing to be part of the tribe. Richard then asked Alyssa what she felt, and stated that it affected her in a way that theres no challenge between tribes and yet we're already down by one, it's a downer. Richard throws another question to Maribel, since she's considered the Mommy of the Bulan tribe, is she one of the Tribe leader? She openly answers no, she just happens to be the eldest with the most experience in life wherein she can share to the tribe. Richard asked the pair of Gino and Stef whats the score between the two of them and quickly answered "we're just friends". Now, for a killer question that gives life to Survivor; Richard throws a question to Aifha : Who's the strongest?, she said - volcanoes(John and Arnold). Richard then asked John who's the strongest & weakest, he answered: Strongest is KC & weakest is Alyssa. Richard then asked Alyssa if she thinks Maribel is accountable for their loss, and she answered no for they are not relaxed during the challenge. Maribel then bravely admits that shes accountable on that loss.
Richard lastly asked, on their opinion who's the real survivor, Maribel says KC and Gino; KC says it's Mommy Maribel. Finally after all the chit chats, Richard announced it's time to vote, not just one but two names is to be written.
Here's the result the drawing of votes:
1st vote - Maribel & Mara
2nd vote - Alyssa & Aifha
3rd vote - Alyssa & Aifha
4th vote - Maribel & Mara
5th vote - Alyssa & Aifha
6th vote - Alyssa & Aifha
7th vote - Alyssa & Aifha
8th and 9th needed not announced, it's 5 votes already. (it was later shown it's 7 - 2 votes)
Thus, it's Alyssa and Aifha the 1st pair of castaways to be voted off the island.
May the good spirits protect all of you, and off the Bulan tribe back to their camp.
Aifha & Alyssa's parting word - thank you for the friendship you guys offered us in the few days that we've spent together in the island
Day 5, on the Tala tribe it's funny how Betong struggled to ask his fellow tribemates for help in setting up their meal. Both tribes later receive a treemail for their upcoming rewards challenge. Filo on the Tala tribe have a hard time eating for he lost his appetite.
Reward Challenge: Scoop A Ball
Reward: Spices, condiments, 2 huge lapulapu(grouper fish), fishing net, goggle and snorkling gears.
At the reward challenge, the game is Scoop a Ball. Teams will be scooping floating balls while trying to balance themselves on joined floating buoys. Both team have a goalie, first team to score 3 points wins the reward. Hands are used to paddle and can't touch the balls. Teams are given paddles with 2 holes to scoop the ball.
Tale needs to sit 3 members, they chose Ellen, Jackie & Angelicopter.
Goalies: Tala - Filo, Bulan - KC
And Bulan tribe wins this challenge, however a Temptation reward is offered wherein Mara and Maribel decided to accept.
Since the mom daughter tandem accepted the reward, one of them needs to go to the other tribe. Maribel goes to Tala, Mara stays at Bulan. The plan was to confuse the Tala tribe and be a liability, as Maribel explained.
As Bulan tribe enjoys their reward, Maribel went to to Tala tribe carrying a coconut. And indeed, she succeeded in annoying and confusing the Tala tribe members by telling them some of their members will be transfered to Bulan. Since it's very obvious why Maribel's suddenly on their tribe and tired of Maribels mind games, while Maribel is distracted the Tala girls snoop in her bag and the stuffs in it to check if theres an immunity bracelet, however they failed(she's hiding it in her privates, LOL).
The next day at Tala tribe- at long last they have fire,and they have fun as they catch some "crablets". Maey & Betong tandem is ever so funny, trying to cope with their english speaking tribemates.
At the Bulan tribe, Arnold & Alyssa had a misunderstanding over a banana leaf wherein they later solve. However the impression that Aifha & Alyssa leave the guys with a negative impression, for earlier, the guys saw them eating their stock of coconut along with Stef. John told Arnold it's freaking hard to get those coconuts and Alyssa the girls wants to finish it all up. Mara on that day also mentioned she got a crush on John, and John thinks she's sweet - she's like a little sister(are you sure just a little sister? >:D). Later that day Arnold, John, Gino, Mara and Kc had a meeting regarding the alliance between Steff, Aifha & Alyssa. They solidify their alliance calling themselves the "power 5". Then later on, Arnold lost the immunity bracelet. He informed John, who somewhat felt about it. The two of them try to scout the area in hope of retrieving the bracelet. The power 5 are the only ones who knew the bracelet went missing.
That night, the Tala tribe got a very unlikely visitor. Arthur was startled when he noticed something crawling to their camps location. He woke his fellow tribesmate for it's a snake - a cobra to be exact. It scared the hell out of Isabel, but luckily they shooed it away.
At the tribal council, Bulan tribe are welcomed by Richard who openly shows his dismay mentioning that the game Survivor got no room for quitters, waste of slot and opportunity for other individual who want to take part in the game. Before the casting of votes, Richard asked the Bulan tribe some question. He asked KC on why Geneva quits, and KC explained both side of the story - that he joined to win the game while her(Geneva) reason is to rekindled a spark in their relationship. He openly mentioned he could have chosen another partner instead. Richard then asked Maribel how Geneva leaving the game affects the tribe. Maribel stated it's better not to be with a person who's not mentally prepared so that it will not affect the whole tribe. And that she didn't feel her(Geneva) willing to be part of the tribe. Richard then asked Alyssa what she felt, and stated that it affected her in a way that theres no challenge between tribes and yet we're already down by one, it's a downer. Richard throws another question to Maribel, since she's considered the Mommy of the Bulan tribe, is she one of the Tribe leader? She openly answers no, she just happens to be the eldest with the most experience in life wherein she can share to the tribe. Richard asked the pair of Gino and Stef whats the score between the two of them and quickly answered "we're just friends". Now, for a killer question that gives life to Survivor; Richard throws a question to Aifha : Who's the strongest?, she said - volcanoes(John and Arnold). Richard then asked John who's the strongest & weakest, he answered: Strongest is KC & weakest is Alyssa. Richard then asked Alyssa if she thinks Maribel is accountable for their loss, and she answered no for they are not relaxed during the challenge. Maribel then bravely admits that shes accountable on that loss.
Richard lastly asked, on their opinion who's the real survivor, Maribel says KC and Gino; KC says it's Mommy Maribel. Finally after all the chit chats, Richard announced it's time to vote, not just one but two names is to be written.
Here's the result the drawing of votes:
1st vote - Maribel & Mara
2nd vote - Alyssa & Aifha
3rd vote - Alyssa & Aifha
4th vote - Maribel & Mara
5th vote - Alyssa & Aifha
6th vote - Alyssa & Aifha
7th vote - Alyssa & Aifha
8th and 9th needed not announced, it's 5 votes already. (it was later shown it's 7 - 2 votes)
Thus, it's Alyssa and Aifha the 1st pair of castaways to be voted off the island.
May the good spirits protect all of you, and off the Bulan tribe back to their camp.
Aifha & Alyssa's parting word - thank you for the friendship you guys offered us in the few days that we've spent together in the island
Day 5, on the Tala tribe it's funny how Betong struggled to ask his fellow tribemates for help in setting up their meal. Both tribes later receive a treemail for their upcoming rewards challenge. Filo on the Tala tribe have a hard time eating for he lost his appetite.
Reward Challenge: Scoop A Ball
Reward: Spices, condiments, 2 huge lapulapu(grouper fish), fishing net, goggle and snorkling gears.
At the reward challenge, the game is Scoop a Ball. Teams will be scooping floating balls while trying to balance themselves on joined floating buoys. Both team have a goalie, first team to score 3 points wins the reward. Hands are used to paddle and can't touch the balls. Teams are given paddles with 2 holes to scoop the ball.
Tale needs to sit 3 members, they chose Ellen, Jackie & Angelicopter.
Goalies: Tala - Filo, Bulan - KC
And Bulan tribe wins this challenge, however a Temptation reward is offered wherein Mara and Maribel decided to accept.
Since the mom daughter tandem accepted the reward, one of them needs to go to the other tribe. Maribel goes to Tala, Mara stays at Bulan. The plan was to confuse the Tala tribe and be a liability, as Maribel explained.
As Bulan tribe enjoys their reward, Maribel went to to Tala tribe carrying a coconut. And indeed, she succeeded in annoying and confusing the Tala tribe members by telling them some of their members will be transfered to Bulan. Since it's very obvious why Maribel's suddenly on their tribe and tired of Maribels mind games, while Maribel is distracted the Tala girls snoop in her bag and the stuffs in it to check if theres an immunity bracelet, however they failed(she's hiding it in her privates, LOL).
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Survivor Philippines 4, Pilot Week Episode
The 4th installment of Survivor in the Philippines, aired on GMA 7, 9pm on weekdays.
Location, Palawan.
Price: P 3 million
The castaways begin in the ocean inside a cage, and they need to find a way to get out and swam to the shore. On the way they can grab floating bags(which contains needed tools to survive in the island). Upon reaching the shore, they need to crack open pots hanging by the tree. 2 pairs of immunity bracelets are hidden.
A lot of castaways struggled on swimming towards the shore and asked fellow castaways for help. First pair to get the immunity bracelet is John and Arnold(go volcanoes). The second bracelet fell on the near Stef and Rico's pair and didn't noticed it, wherein Isabel and Chuckie grabbed thus making them the 2nd pair with an immunity bracelet.
The 2 pairs who get the bracelets are then informed they will be split into 2 teams, and they can choose their tribemates alternately. Tribe names were Bulan and Tala.
Bulan tribe: John & Arnold; KC & Geneva; Stef & Gino; Maribel & Mara; Alyssa & Aifha
Tala tribe: Isabel & Chuckie; Arthur & Carlo; Jacki & Angelicopter; Ellen & Filo; Albert & Maey
On the 1st day, Geneva seems like distressed and it seems she's emotionally and mentally not prepared to take part on the challenges on the island. Arnold and John, makes the 1st move to make an alliance with KC whom is anxious to accept. Aifha and Alyssa started to hit on the volcano boys, although it's a given Aifha stated she have a boyfriend(what the heck, your boyriend will see that, lol). Later that night, Aifha and Alyssa had a misunderstanding leading to a heated arguement about "who's true". Morning of the 2nd day, Geneva quits the game.
For the reward challenge, the castaways need to ride a boat to reach their destination. Unfortunately the weather is terribly bad and the castaways are relieved and thanked God for their lives(literally).Does, making them closer to their fellow castaways. The production decided to halt the challenge to let the castaways recover.
Next day, it's an Immunity and Rewards challenge. Teams need to finish an obstacle course, and a puzzle phrase at the end. First team to finish and decipher the puzzle wins. Bulan tribe makes a huge gap on the obstacle course does making them solve the puzzle first. Bulan team puzzle solvers shouted the phrase although its incomplete which is a null, so in the end, it was Tala team who won. Bulan tribe leaves the area, and Richard announced to Tala tribe they have a Temptation Reward, but only a pair can engage on the reward. The tribe decided for Jackie & Angelicopter to take it. As the rest of the Tala tribe leaves, the pair is tempted with an immunity bracelet, however the score is if they take it, they will be separated and if ever one of them is eliminated the other pair on the other tribe is automatically eliminated as well. They think about it and decides to decline the offer.
Back at camp, Bulan boys are deciding who to vote off, thinking of how to strengthen their tribe. They also decided to move to a new location since theres a huge wasp hive near their camp. Later that night, Arnold introduce a dance ritual to his tribe - the Bulan dance as they call it(lol). They somewhat had an open session, and Maribel openly bids her farewell asking her tribemates to vote her off. She informs she already have fame and fortune and it's only because of Mara why she participated, 3 days is enough for her old body - and that she's happy surviving 3 days compared to Geneva who quits(lol again).
Airing on Monday, the 1st Tribal Council...1 down, 18 to go.
Location, Palawan.
Price: P 3 million
The castaways begin in the ocean inside a cage, and they need to find a way to get out and swam to the shore. On the way they can grab floating bags(which contains needed tools to survive in the island). Upon reaching the shore, they need to crack open pots hanging by the tree. 2 pairs of immunity bracelets are hidden.
A lot of castaways struggled on swimming towards the shore and asked fellow castaways for help. First pair to get the immunity bracelet is John and Arnold(go volcanoes). The second bracelet fell on the near Stef and Rico's pair and didn't noticed it, wherein Isabel and Chuckie grabbed thus making them the 2nd pair with an immunity bracelet.
The 2 pairs who get the bracelets are then informed they will be split into 2 teams, and they can choose their tribemates alternately. Tribe names were Bulan and Tala.
Bulan tribe: John & Arnold; KC & Geneva; Stef & Gino; Maribel & Mara; Alyssa & Aifha
Tala tribe: Isabel & Chuckie; Arthur & Carlo; Jacki & Angelicopter; Ellen & Filo; Albert & Maey
On the 1st day, Geneva seems like distressed and it seems she's emotionally and mentally not prepared to take part on the challenges on the island. Arnold and John, makes the 1st move to make an alliance with KC whom is anxious to accept. Aifha and Alyssa started to hit on the volcano boys, although it's a given Aifha stated she have a boyfriend(what the heck, your boyriend will see that, lol). Later that night, Aifha and Alyssa had a misunderstanding leading to a heated arguement about "who's true". Morning of the 2nd day, Geneva quits the game.
For the reward challenge, the castaways need to ride a boat to reach their destination. Unfortunately the weather is terribly bad and the castaways are relieved and thanked God for their lives(literally).Does, making them closer to their fellow castaways. The production decided to halt the challenge to let the castaways recover.
Next day, it's an Immunity and Rewards challenge. Teams need to finish an obstacle course, and a puzzle phrase at the end. First team to finish and decipher the puzzle wins. Bulan tribe makes a huge gap on the obstacle course does making them solve the puzzle first. Bulan team puzzle solvers shouted the phrase although its incomplete which is a null, so in the end, it was Tala team who won. Bulan tribe leaves the area, and Richard announced to Tala tribe they have a Temptation Reward, but only a pair can engage on the reward. The tribe decided for Jackie & Angelicopter to take it. As the rest of the Tala tribe leaves, the pair is tempted with an immunity bracelet, however the score is if they take it, they will be separated and if ever one of them is eliminated the other pair on the other tribe is automatically eliminated as well. They think about it and decides to decline the offer.
Back at camp, Bulan boys are deciding who to vote off, thinking of how to strengthen their tribe. They also decided to move to a new location since theres a huge wasp hive near their camp. Later that night, Arnold introduce a dance ritual to his tribe - the Bulan dance as they call it(lol). They somewhat had an open session, and Maribel openly bids her farewell asking her tribemates to vote her off. She informs she already have fame and fortune and it's only because of Mara why she participated, 3 days is enough for her old body - and that she's happy surviving 3 days compared to Geneva who quits(lol again).
Airing on Monday, the 1st Tribal Council...1 down, 18 to go.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A Fun & Wet Energizer Night Run
It's freaking fun and it's my first time to experience running at night. Not to mention it's raining. I wear my lion headgear - roar, and it's really really nice finishing the race with a good run time(although I forgot to check my time @_@). What I know is that it's a nice run, seeing a lot of people enjoying, and there's even kids- now moms and dads, make sure give them kids lots of vitamin c ok ;) Here's some pics and short vids I took during and before the run. ^_^V
Here's a short clip before the run at the assembly area.
And here's during the actual run on those dreadgeful road(literally some of the roads are nasty with lots of mud puddle).
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Me and my Boss at work ;) |
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Lotsa people. |
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Fireworks before the start of the race. |
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Roar!! |
Here's a short clip before the run at the assembly area.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Proper Warm Up before a Run/Jog
It's very important to do your stretching/warm up before your run/jog/practice or be it the actual game of any sport you chose. It's vital, in order to prevent injury. Here's some tips for a good warm up routine.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Walk for two minutes, then jog at a conversational pace for 15 to 20 minutes to raise your heart rate. Loosen and activate your muscles with five to 10 minutes of dynamic stretches and form drills such as lunges, skipping, and high-knees running. Then run 800 meters at moderate intensity (a little slower than your 10-K race pace), and do two to four 100-meter strides. Beginners or those pressed for time can eliminate the form drills and 800-meter run.
EVERYDAY RUNSEasy and moderately paced runs—and even those that start slow before picking up, such as progressive tempos—don't require much warmup. But they do require some movement to introduce your body to running, especially if you've just rolled out of bed, it's cold out, or you're achy.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Walk one or two blocks to loosen your muscles and joints. "When you do start running, start out really easy and gradually speed up until you're at your normal, easy-run pace," says Alyanak. "This usually takes about a half mile, but it can take longer if you're tired or sore."
To prepare for the rigors of hard training sessions such as speedwork, you should ideally do a 20- to 40-minute warmup. Properly warmed up, you'll be able to hit your target paces from the outset of your repeats. "Most runners start speed sessions with an inadequate warmup," says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist for the Nike Bowerman Athletic Club in Beaverton, Oregon. The body is thus ill-prepared to adequately transport oxygen and offset the by-products of fast running, so it's harder to generate the power to run at goal pace, says Coster.
TREADMILL WORKOUTSWhy warm up for a treadmill workout, when you could just walk or jog slow on the 'mill? "Treadmills can be hard on the calves and Achilles, so spending less time on them by warming up on another machine can lower your injury risk, and you'll avoid muscle-group imbalances caused by doing nothing but running," says Missy Kane, a 1984 U.S. Olympian in the 1500 meters and now a coach for Covenant Health in Knoxville, Tennessee.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Gyms present an abundance of options. Start with 10 minutes on a low-or no-impact cardio machine. Add a few one-minute segments at a harder effort until you reach 15 minutes. Immediately switch to the treadmill and increase the speed until you reach your regular running pace. If you're doing an interval or hill-repeat workout, run at your regular pace for an additional five to 10 minutes before tackling the hard stuff.
With all the things you need to accomplish before your race starts—pick up your number, use the porta-potty, chat with friends—it's easy to shortchange your warmup. But you need time before your race to get your body ready for race pace. That's why Kane recommends arriving at least one hour before the start. "This gives you time to take care of everything, including a relaxed warmup, without going into panic mode," she says.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Get all the logistics out of the way at least 30 minutes before the start, then do a warmup suited to the distance you're racing (See "Primed to Race," below). Begin with easy jogging. Add in a few light stretches, and then do several 100-meter strides, accelerating smoothly to race pace.
Primed to Race
Generally, the distance of your event determines the length of your warmup. Shorter races such as 5-Ks and 10-Ks require longer warmups because you need to hit a faster pace right from the start. Marathoners and half-marathoners can use the first mile or two of the race to ease into goal pace. Here's how to match the warmup to the effort.
WALK OR JOG 15-30 minutes
STRIDES 8 x 100 meters
WALK OR JOG 10-15 minutes
STRIDES 6-8 x 100 meters
WALK OR JOG 10 minutes
STRIDES 4-6 x 100 meters
WALK OR JOG 5-10 minutes; or first mile of the race
STRIDES 0-4 x 100 meters
RUN BETTER Before a race, perform part of your warmup, such as 100-meter strides or easy jogging, on the final stretch of the course so you can visualize finishing.
Excerpt from:,7120,s6-238-267--13326-0,00.html
WARMUP ROUTINE: Walk for two minutes, then jog at a conversational pace for 15 to 20 minutes to raise your heart rate. Loosen and activate your muscles with five to 10 minutes of dynamic stretches and form drills such as lunges, skipping, and high-knees running. Then run 800 meters at moderate intensity (a little slower than your 10-K race pace), and do two to four 100-meter strides. Beginners or those pressed for time can eliminate the form drills and 800-meter run.
EVERYDAY RUNSEasy and moderately paced runs—and even those that start slow before picking up, such as progressive tempos—don't require much warmup. But they do require some movement to introduce your body to running, especially if you've just rolled out of bed, it's cold out, or you're achy.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Walk one or two blocks to loosen your muscles and joints. "When you do start running, start out really easy and gradually speed up until you're at your normal, easy-run pace," says Alyanak. "This usually takes about a half mile, but it can take longer if you're tired or sore."
To prepare for the rigors of hard training sessions such as speedwork, you should ideally do a 20- to 40-minute warmup. Properly warmed up, you'll be able to hit your target paces from the outset of your repeats. "Most runners start speed sessions with an inadequate warmup," says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist for the Nike Bowerman Athletic Club in Beaverton, Oregon. The body is thus ill-prepared to adequately transport oxygen and offset the by-products of fast running, so it's harder to generate the power to run at goal pace, says Coster.
TREADMILL WORKOUTSWhy warm up for a treadmill workout, when you could just walk or jog slow on the 'mill? "Treadmills can be hard on the calves and Achilles, so spending less time on them by warming up on another machine can lower your injury risk, and you'll avoid muscle-group imbalances caused by doing nothing but running," says Missy Kane, a 1984 U.S. Olympian in the 1500 meters and now a coach for Covenant Health in Knoxville, Tennessee.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Gyms present an abundance of options. Start with 10 minutes on a low-or no-impact cardio machine. Add a few one-minute segments at a harder effort until you reach 15 minutes. Immediately switch to the treadmill and increase the speed until you reach your regular running pace. If you're doing an interval or hill-repeat workout, run at your regular pace for an additional five to 10 minutes before tackling the hard stuff.
With all the things you need to accomplish before your race starts—pick up your number, use the porta-potty, chat with friends—it's easy to shortchange your warmup. But you need time before your race to get your body ready for race pace. That's why Kane recommends arriving at least one hour before the start. "This gives you time to take care of everything, including a relaxed warmup, without going into panic mode," she says.
WARMUP ROUTINE: Get all the logistics out of the way at least 30 minutes before the start, then do a warmup suited to the distance you're racing (See "Primed to Race," below). Begin with easy jogging. Add in a few light stretches, and then do several 100-meter strides, accelerating smoothly to race pace.
Primed to Race
Generally, the distance of your event determines the length of your warmup. Shorter races such as 5-Ks and 10-Ks require longer warmups because you need to hit a faster pace right from the start. Marathoners and half-marathoners can use the first mile or two of the race to ease into goal pace. Here's how to match the warmup to the effort.
WALK OR JOG 15-30 minutes
STRIDES 8 x 100 meters
WALK OR JOG 10-15 minutes
STRIDES 6-8 x 100 meters
WALK OR JOG 10 minutes
STRIDES 4-6 x 100 meters
WALK OR JOG 5-10 minutes; or first mile of the race
STRIDES 0-4 x 100 meters
RUN BETTER Before a race, perform part of your warmup, such as 100-meter strides or easy jogging, on the final stretch of the course so you can visualize finishing.
Excerpt from:,7120,s6-238-267--13326-0,00.html
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
GMA 7's: Survivor Celebrity Doubles Showdown - Castaways Revealed
One of the most exciting show on earth, Survivor is soon to be aired once again on GMA 7. The castaways are now reveled, and included are the duo of the Philippine Volcanoes - John Odulio and Arnold Aninion.
Video and pics are excerpts from the official fb survivor fanpage.
Here's the video of the volcano duo and pics of the rest of the castaways. ^_^V
Video and pics are excerpts from the official fb survivor fanpage.
Here's the video of the volcano duo and pics of the rest of the castaways. ^_^V
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
7 Cardinal Rule's of Life
I saw this rule stuff thing years ago, and it very much applies to us.
1.) Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
2.) What other people think of you is none of your business.
3.) Time heals almost everything, so give time.
4.) No one is incharge of your happiness except yourself.
5.) Don't compare your life to others & don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
6.) Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know the answers... they will come to you when you least expect it,
7.) Smile, you don't own all the problems in the world.
^_^V ~ more facts about life to be posted soon...
1.) Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
2.) What other people think of you is none of your business.
3.) Time heals almost everything, so give time.
4.) No one is incharge of your happiness except yourself.
5.) Don't compare your life to others & don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
6.) Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know the answers... they will come to you when you least expect it,
7.) Smile, you don't own all the problems in the world.
^_^V ~ more facts about life to be posted soon...
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Talentadong Pinoy Celebrity Edition Winner - Eric, Wolffy & Chris + Gandang Gabi Vice guesting
Congratulations to Volcanoes - Eric, Wolffy & Chris for winning the celebrity edition of Talentadong Pinoy held last Saturday, Oct. 22 on Kapatid Channel 5.
Here's the performance of the guys, enjoy ^_^V
Video excerpt from Channel 5 c/o kapatidtv5.
Also, here's their guesting on an episode of Gandang Gabi Vice (aired last Oct. 16 on ABS Kapamilya channel). ~aw, I want a freakin jacket T_T
Here's the performance of the guys, enjoy ^_^V
Video excerpt from Channel 5 c/o kapatidtv5.
Also, here's their guesting on an episode of Gandang Gabi Vice (aired last Oct. 16 on ABS Kapamilya channel). ~aw, I want a freakin jacket T_T
Monday, October 17, 2011
Volcanoes Eric Tai - Mang Inasal 11-11-11 Teaser
Eric Tai is obviously one of the hottest, funniest and favorite among our very own Philippine Volcanoes rugby team, and as many predicted he's penetrating the entertainment industry faster than the speed of light :D, here's his commercial on Mang Inasal.
Some inspirational sports quote :D
A player who conjugates a verb in the first person singular cannot be part of the squad, he has to conjugate the verb in the first person plural. We. We want to conquer. We are going to conquer. Using the word "I" when you're in a group makes things complicated. ~Wanderley Luxemburgo, 1999
The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. ~Author Unknown
The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. ~Author Unknown
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Energizer 2011 @BGC Kit
I registered for a 5km run, I barely run these past months so obviously I've got no practice. Here's whats inside the Energizer kit once you registered. You will be given a transparent envelope with the race route/map and Schick razor, along with:
On my opinion this kit is WORTH IT!!! The energizer headlights alone is worth P400+, and add up the singlet and cap. For all those joining, see ya at BGC on Nov. 5 ^_^V
![]() |
Front of the Singlet |
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Back of the singlet |
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Cap and Headlight |
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Bib |
On my opinion this kit is WORTH IT!!! The energizer headlights alone is worth P400+, and add up the singlet and cap. For all those joining, see ya at BGC on Nov. 5 ^_^V
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Ryno Vigil's Vulkan Magnum: Exercise everyday for a healthy you :)
Ryno Vigil's Vulkan Magnum: Exercise everyday for a healthy you :): A good goal for many people is to work up to exercising 4 to 6 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Remember, though, that exercise ...
Exercise everyday for a healthy you :)
A good goal for many people is to work up to exercising 4 to 6 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Remember, though, that exercise has so many health benefits that any amount is better than none.
Being busy is NOT AN EXCUSE, Sneak exercise into your day:
Being busy is NOT AN EXCUSE, Sneak exercise into your day:
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Go for a walk during your coffee break or lunch.
- Walk all or part of the way to work.
- Do housework at a fast pace.
- Rake leaves or do other yard work.
How do I stick with it?
Here are some tips that will help you start and stick with an exercise program:
- Choose something you like to do. Make sure it suits you physically, too. For instance, swimming is easier on arthritic joints.
- Get a partner. Exercising with a friend or relative can make it more fun.
- Vary your routine. You may be less likely to get bored or injured if you change your exercise routine. Walk one day. Bicycle the next. Consider activities like dancing and racquet sports, and even chores like vacuuming or mowing the lawn.
- Choose a comfortable time of day. Don't work out too soon after eating or when it's too hot or cold outside. Wait until later in the day if you're too stiff in the morning.
- Don't get discouraged. It can take weeks or months before you notice some of the changes from exercise, such as weight loss.
- Forget "no pain, no gain." While a little soreness is normal after you first start exercising, pain isn't. Take a break if you hurt or if you are injured.
- Make exercise fun. Read, listen to music or watch TV while riding a stationary bicycle, for example. Find fun things to do, like taking a walk through the zoo. Go dancing. Learn how to play a sport you enjoy, such as tennis.
Making exercise a habit
- Stick to a regular time every day.
- Sign a contract committing yourself to exercise.
- Put "exercise appointments" on your calendar.
- Keep a daily log or diary of your exercise activities.
- Check your progress. Can you walk a certain distance faster now than when you began exercising? Or is your heart rate slower now?
- Ask your doctor to write a prescription for your exercise program, such as what type of exercise to do, how often to exercise and for how long.
- Think about joining a health club. The cost gives some people an incentive to exercise regularly.
How can I prevent injuries?
Start every workout with a warm-up. This will make your muscles and joints more flexible. Spend 5 to 10 minutes doing some light calisthenics and stretching exercises, and perhaps brisk walking. Do the same thing when you're done working out until your heart rate returns to normal.
Pay attention to your body. Stop exercising if you feel very out of breath, dizzy, faint, nauseous or have pain.
Pay attention to your body. Stop exercising if you feel very out of breath, dizzy, faint, nauseous or have pain.
Benefits of regular exercise
- Reduces your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity
- Keeps joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, which makes it easier to move around
- Reduces some of the effects of aging
- Contributes to your mental well-being and helps treat depression
- Helps relieve stress and anxiety
- Increases your energy and endurance
- Helps you sleep better
- Helps you maintain a normal weight by increasing your metabolism (the rate you burn calories)
So go and exercise, it's very beneficial on ones well being. ^_^V
excerpt from:
excerpt from:
Monday, October 10, 2011
Volcanoes Eric and Chris invades Showtime
The dynamic duo Eric Tai and Chris Everingham shows up as Hurado on ABSCBN's Showtime. They do a dance off on the dancefloor and Eric's leg cramps as a finale is uberfunny - it surely made my day!!!
Here's the clip of the duos danceoff:
Here's the clip of the duos danceoff:
Energizer Night Race - Nov 5, 2011
1. Registration fee:
a. 3K: PhP 600.00
b. 5K: PhP 700.00
c. 10K: PhP 800.00
Note: Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
2. Once registration has been duly processed, there will be no refund for participants who for whatever reason do not eventually take part in the race. There will be no entry fee refund if the event is cancelled on account of force majeure or for causes beyond the reasonable control of the organizers.
3. Registration is from October 1 to 29, 2011 at the following sites:
4. Online registration is also available on this website:
1. Runner's kit include the following items:
Claim your race pack at ANY ONE of the following registration sites. An Energizer Night Race representative will contact you to get details on which registration site you'd want your race pack claimed. You can claim your race pack 3 days after your deposit payment. Please present your original deposit slip and submit photocopy of deposit slip and signed e-Reg Form.
1. Registration fee:
a. 3K: PhP 600.00
b. 5K: PhP 700.00
c. 10K: PhP 800.00
Note: Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
2. Once registration has been duly processed, there will be no refund for participants who for whatever reason do not eventually take part in the race. There will be no entry fee refund if the event is cancelled on account of force majeure or for causes beyond the reasonable control of the organizers.
3. Registration is from October 1 to 29, 2011 at the following sites:
• R.O.X. – Bonifacio High Street
• Reebok – Trinoma
• Royal Sporting House – Glorietta
• Reebok – Festival Mall
• Reebok – Trinoma
• Royal Sporting House – Glorietta
• Reebok – Festival Mall
• Reebok –Megamalll
• Royal Sporting House – Robinsons Ermita
• GMA Network Center
• Royal Sporting House – Robinsons Ermita
• GMA Network Center
4. Online registration is also available on this website:
1. Runner's kit include the following items:
a. Singlet (for first 5,000 registrants only; sizes will be subject to availability)
Singlet should be worn during the entire race.
Singlet should be worn during the entire race.
Size | Length | Width |
XS | 24 | 16 ½ |
S | 26 | 18 |
M | 27 | 19 |
L | 27 ½ | 20 |
XL | 28 | 21 |
XXL | 29 | 22 |
b. Race Bib with RFID tag
Race bib must be pinned in front of the singlet and must be visible at all times for the duration of the race. It is not transferable.
RFID tag is attached in the race bib and must not be removed from bib during the race. It must be folded downward and should not be covered in the vicinity of the sensors at the Finish arch.
All runners must have their race numbers marked by the official marshals upon check-in.
Race bib must be pinned in front of the singlet and must be visible at all times for the duration of the race. It is not transferable.
RFID tag is attached in the race bib and must not be removed from bib during the race. It must be folded downward and should not be covered in the vicinity of the sensors at the Finish arch.
All runners must have their race numbers marked by the official marshals upon check-in.
c. Route map
All runners must run according to the race route. Refer to the route map as reference.
All runners must run according to the race route. Refer to the route map as reference.
d. Energizer headlight
Energizer headlight shall be worn by the runner all throughout the race. Briefing on how to use the headlight will be conducted prior to the race.
Energizer headlight shall be worn by the runner all throughout the race. Briefing on how to use the headlight will be conducted prior to the race.
e. Energizer cap
Energizer cap must be worn by the runner all throughout the race.
Energizer cap must be worn by the runner all throughout the race.
d. Schick Razor

1. Energizer Night Race will be held on November 5, 2011, Saturday at the Bonifacio Global City (34th Street).
2. The race will have 3 categories: 3, 5 and 10 kilometer distances.
3. The race is open to all individuals.
1. Assembly, check-in, and gun start details for all categories:
2. A runner who fails to check-in or who is late at the gun start forfeits his/her chance of winning but can still participate in the race.
1. Energizer Night Race will be held on November 5, 2011, Saturday at the Bonifacio Global City (34th Street).
2. The race will have 3 categories: 3, 5 and 10 kilometer distances.
3. The race is open to all individuals.
1. Assembly, check-in, and gun start details for all categories:
Assembly Area | Check In Time | Gun Start |
Bonifacio Global City | 6:00pm | 7:00 PM |
2. A runner who fails to check-in or who is late at the gun start forfeits his/her chance of winning but can still participate in the race.
Claim your race pack at ANY ONE of the following registration sites. An Energizer Night Race representative will contact you to get details on which registration site you'd want your race pack claimed. You can claim your race pack 3 days after your deposit payment. Please present your original deposit slip and submit photocopy of deposit slip and signed e-Reg Form.
• R.O.X. – Bonifacio High Street
• Reebok – Trinoma
• Royal Sporting House – Glorietta
• Reebok – Festival Mall
• Reebok – Trinoma
• Royal Sporting House – Glorietta
• Reebok – Festival Mall
• Reebok –Megamalll
• Royal Sporting House – Robinsons Ermita
• GMA Network Center
• Royal Sporting House – Robinsons Ermita
• GMA Network Center
Energizer Race Pack Includes:






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